Fittings are completely concealed in most installations which maximizes your view.
Can be used on stairs without drilling on an angle.
No precise measurements needed. Simply pull the cable through the locking fitting, cut the excess cable and snap on the cap.
Must have at least 3-1/2′′ clearance behind post.
Ideal for double corner post installations. Cable runs cannot terminate into a single corner post without offsetting the runs.
Outside Post Mount Kits
SERIES - 102
Traditional stud system design.
Budget friendly option.
Kit includes washers for both wood and metal installations, cable with attached threaded stud, brass locknut for tensioning, locking fitting, and cap for locking fitting.
Available in 5', 10', 15', 20', 25', 30', 40' and 50' kits.
SERIES - 224
Low-Profile end caps.
Simple tensioning using only a hex key.
Fittings designed specifically for 2-3/8′′ metal post.
Kit includes washers for both wood and metal installations, cable with attached threaded stud, tensioning fitting, locking fitting, and cap for locking fitting.